심포지엄은 2013년 11월 5일동국대학교에서 진행되었으며 11월 6, 7일 양일간 포항 사방기념공원과 울진군 금강송 군락지를 둘러보는 시간을 가졌다. 빡빡한 일정 속에서도 항상 살아있는 눈빛이 아직도 기억난다.
덩그러니 홀로 살아남았다.
어떤 수종을 이용하는지, 양묘장은 어떻게 운영되는지, 세부적인 작업 방법을 궁금해 하셨다. 일본과 다르게 작업하는 부분에 대한 이야기를 들을 수 있어서 흥미로웠다.
금강송 군락지
관광지로도 알려진 울진군 소광리 금강송 군락지.
잘생긴 연애인을 TV에서 보면 흐뭇한 것 처럼, 여기에 딱 가면 두근두근 거린다.
절묘하게 아름다운 가을.
금강송 군락지에 대한 영어 소개
Geumgang Pine Habitat of Uljin
Geumgang pine trees standing stoutly in the remote valley symbolizing the spirit of the nation
Gwangcheon Valley, formed by the slopes of Satgatjae Peak (1,119 meters above sea level), is very long and attractive. The valley winds along the paved road for more than 13 kilometers and the upper area is deeply hidden in the secluded mountainside where nobody resides. Along the twelve kilometer-long mountainside road are laid more than twenty bridges, and more than a half of these bridges are flooded by the valley stream if it rains heavily in summer. The mountainside road continues through valley after valley for a long time, and while driving along this deserted road I fall into a mysterious mood.
In the attractive natural gardens in the valleys decorated with crystal clear valley streams are found green pine trees along with huge and dark gray colored rocks, and Wangdalmatiggot (Oenothera erythrosepala Borbas), Yongdam (Gentiana scabra var. buergeri), Geuneuldoljjeogwi (Aconitum uchiyamai) and many other nameless wildflowers bloom and fade away as their season comes and goes. Also, many kinds of wild insects such as Jebinabi (Papilio bianor), Mosinabi (Parnassius stubbendorfii), Soettongbeolle (Gymnopreurus mopsus), Pureunpungdengi (blue gold beetle), Teolduggeobi (Moechotypa diphysis) and Gilapjapi (Cicindela chinensis) thrive here in the uncontaminated natural gardens. In the deep clear stream water, Boedeulgae (Moroco lagowiskii), which lives in the fresh clear streams, and aquatic insects such as the stone fly swim peacefully.
The thick forest at Sogwangri Village in the upper area of Gwangcheon Valley is the most notable forest in the world that is filled with Geumgangsong (Pinus densiflora for. erecta) pine trees. Beyond the Daegwangcheon Village where only three households live is spread a Geumgangsong pine tree forest about 16.1 square kilometers in area that was nominated as Preservation Forest. In the old days, Daegwangcheon Village was deserted, but nowadays the secluded farmhouses that used to be scattered about the deep mountain valleys were torn down and rebuilt here to stand together.
Forest nominated as Natural Preservation Forest and Forest Heritage Preservation Forest
The Geumgangsong forest here was nominated as Species Preservation Forest in 1959, Natural Preservation Forest in 1982 and Forest Heritage Preservation Forest in 2001. This forest has five pine trees more than five hundred years old and more than eighty thousand pine trees which are 200 to 300 years old, and the total number of pine trees here amounts to more than one million. The height of the Geumgangsong pine trees here reaches 6 to 35 meters high. Around Sogwangri Village, 250 Geumgangsong pine trees were chosen as seed bearing trees to ensure the posterity of Geumgangsong pine trees.
At the entrance to the Natural Preservation Forest is installed a traffic system that prevents the access of any vehicles into the forest area. Pine trees more than 530 years old stand stately in the forest, and Uljin-gun administration office has opened a pine tree exhibition hall here. If you walk along the forest road for about one kilometer, you can observe the Geumgangsong pine trees in an area of 3000 pyeong (one pyeong is 3.3 square meters in area). This spot has a strange 120 year-old Geumgangsong pine tree that lives closely intertwined with an oak tree which is 80 years old.
The Geumgangsong pine tree does not decay easily and no insects live in the trunk, which grows uprightly. The inner composition of this pine tree is very attractive. Like the upright spirits of the Korean nation, Geumgangsong pine trees grow stately. The original pine trees on the Korean peninsula were like these Geumgangsong trees. However, the number of short and bent pine trees has increased recently. During the Japanese colonial days, the Japanese cut down most of the Geumgangsong pine trees in the nation, and only several spots including the Uljin and Bonghwa areas have Geumgangsong pine trees these days.
Prohibition of unlawful lumbering by electing Hwangjanggeumpyo during the King Sukjong period
A Geumgangsong pine tree has many nicknames. As the inner part of the tree is yellowish brown, the tree is called Hwanjangmok (黃腸木: yellow intestine tree). And as the tree looks like a fascinating woman, the tree is called Minsong (fascinating woman tree). As the tree looks like a dragon flying into the heaven, the tree is also called Jeokryong (red dragon). As the trees were lumbered in great numbers by the Japanese during the Japanese colonial days and were carried by train to Chunyang Station, the trees were called Chungyangmok. However, the name Jeokmok (red tree) should not be used, as the name was coined by the Japanese by mistake.
Uljin-gun has the largest area where Geumgansong pine trees grow naturally, and the Uljin-gun administration office named the tree Uljinsonamu (Uljin pine tree). In the sixth year of the reign of King Sukjong (1680) during the Joseon Kingdom, the Sogwang-ri area was nominated as Hwangjangbongsan (黃腸封山: yellow intestine mountain, Hwangjanggat: yellow intestine hat) and unlawful lumbering was prohibited. To notify the populace of this prohibition, a Hangjanggeumpyo (黃腸禁標: yellow intestine prohibition mark) called Hwangjangbonggyepyoseok (黃腸封界標石: yellow intestine mark stone monument) was erected here. The Hwangjanggeumpyo stone monument was inscribed with four characters in one line on the left side and nineteen characters in five lines on the right side. The monument established the lumbering prohibition area around the four spots Saengdalhyeon, Anilwangsan, Daeri and Dangseong, and a man whose first name was Myeonggil worked as the forest keeper here.
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